Europa steckt voller Geschichten. Der Podcast EUROPE TALKS erzählt sie
Leider werden sie kaum über die Grenzen der jeweiligen Länder hinaus erzählt, die Geschichten der Menschen, die Europa im Grunde ausmachen. Europe Talks will das ändern und tut es auch. Europäer:innen erzählen in diesem Format ihre Geschichte(n). Geschichten von Herausforderungen, politischen Hürden und persönlichem Empowerment. In insgesamt vier Folgen berichten Menschen von ihren Erfahrungen mit Abtreibung, Diskriminierung, Flucht, Arbeitslosigkeit und Neuanfang, aber auch von Mut, Überlebenswillen, Kampfgeist und Stärke.
Geführt werden die Gespräche von Sarah Tekath, einer freien Journalistin, Podcasterin und Auslandskorrespondentin aus Amsterdam. Ihre Themenschwerpunkte sind Frauenrechte, Feminimus und LGBT. Im Bereich Podcast hat sie unter anderem Projekte für das Europäische Umweltamt, Deutschlandfunk Nova, die Robert-Koch-Stiftung und den Dachverband der autonomen Frauenberatungsstelle NRW realisiert.
Europe Talks – in English
Der Podcast ist eine Koproduktion des International Journalist Program (IJP) und der Stiftung Zukunft Berlin im Rahmen der Initiative „Wir sind Europa“. Die Sprache des Podcasts ist Englisch.
In many European countries, there is the current discussion of whether young people have too unrealistic expectations on the labour market. But what if you have a university degree, good grades and motivation to work, but despite all that you are unable to find a job? What if you did everything right, the way you were told, and still you are not able to support yourself as an adult due to low salary or unemployment?Many young people are struggling with this in different parts of Europe. And sometimes, the only option they see is to leave their home country behind.
Mazen is sure that he can change his country Syria for the better. He believes in a brighter future. He takes part in the protests against Bashar al-Assad and the regime in Syria, and he works as a journalist. But then the Taliban take power and Mazen has to flee. On foot, like many thousands with him, he makes the long journey to Europe.
Living out one’s own sexual and gender identity with self-confidence requires courage. Especially in Azerbaijan, one of the most queer-hostile countries. In this episode, Vusala shares her story of coming out to her family and fleeing her home country for a safer future, to be her true self.
For weeks, media reports show women in Poland that have died in hospitals because they were denied abortions. This is because abortions are now almost completely banned in Poland. Hardly anyone dares to speak openly about the subject anymore.
Except for Joanna, who in this episode shares her own experience with an abortion in Poland and the system that by now has been created around it by the state.